Justice of the Peace

美 [ˌdʒʌstɪs əv ðə ˈpiːs]英 [ˌdʒʌstɪs əv ðə ˈpiːs]
  • n. 太平绅士;治安法官;基层法院法官

复数: Justices of the Peace

Justice of the PeaceJustice of the Peace


【不规则形式】pl. Justices of the Peace

abbr. JP基层法院法官;治安法官; 太平绅士
an official who acts as a judge in the lowest courts of law


Justice of the Peace


  • 1
    N-COUNT (英国的)基层法院法官,治安法官(缩略形式为JP)
    In Britain, a Justice of the Peace is a person who is not a lawyer but who can act as a judge in a local criminal law court. The abbreviation JP is also used.

  • 2
    N-COUNT (美国一些州的)地方官(处理小案件或证婚等法律事务,缩略形式为JP)
    In some states in the United States, a Justice of the Peace is an official who can carry out some legal tasks, such as settling minor cases in court or performing marriages. The abbreviation JP is also used.

  1. Dr Lee was appointed justice of the peace in1993 , and awarded the gold Bauhinia Star in2002 .


  2. The justice of the peace may not show up , the caterer 's oven could break down or the reception hall might reserve the wrong date .


  3. And she did , when the justice of the peace declared them man and wife .


  4. Magistrates or Justice of the Peace : They know little about law and receive no pay for their work .


  5. In the first years I was elected here an honourary justice of the peace .


  6. Chapter 4 and chapter 5 introduced how petty constable and justice of the peace enforced the law .


  7. Authorities have now charged the wife of a former justice of the peace in the three killings .


  8. We carried him by the lug and the horn before a justice of the peace .


  9. It has to be administered by a bona fide justice of the peace .


  10. The man is a justice of the peace , and sits on the bench at poole .


  11. He is the justice of the peace that jug me for a vagrant .


  12. Initially , evidence is presented to it by either a justice of the peace or a prosecuting county or district attorney .


  13. He and the justice of the peace filled out the papers , but Nora signed before Cal 's last name was added .


  14. My father was a justice of the peace , and I supposed he possessed the power of life and death over all men and could hang anybody that offended him .


  15. A bankrupt cannot serve as a member of parliament , a justice of the peace , a director of a limited company , and cannot sign a contract or borrow money


  16. A San Antonio justice of the peace championed a program where truant students would wear thick , GPS-equipped ankle bracelets for six months like criminals .


  17. The undersea ceremony was conducted by a scuba-clad justice of the peace and the couple exchanged both rings and vows in the presence of their friends and family .


  18. Mr Masson , justice of the peace in Redfield county , was called on to back a warrant , which had been issued in Watertown county , for the arrest of a burglar .


  19. " A declaration under or for the purposes of this Ordinance may be made in Hong Kong before the registrar , a justice of the peace , a notary public , a Commissioner for oaths or a solicitor ;"


  20. The predecessor of magistrate appeared as early in the 12th century as Keeper of the Peace in charge of keeping the peace of the local place , and it was called as Justice of the Peace in 1361 due to the promulgation of Justices of the Peace Act .
